NPD – New Product Development
Sometimes it seems miraculous. In the magician cauldron so many things are being mixed…
the entrepreneur dreams, the marketing manager ambitions, the market price point, the nutritional values, available raw materials and technologies, regulation, shelf life, supply chain, packaging, distribution and more.

It is not always clear how from all of these, a unique new food product that brings value to consumers and manufacturers can emerge. But it does. Time after time.


Our core capabilities – Rapid Prototyping, New Product Development, Technology Development, Scale up.
Working with remote teams – For many years we have been working with the Food industry in Israel and also in the USA.
We ship prototypes around the globe and share insights via video conferencing in very much the same way we do with Israeli clients.


While professionalism, creativity and out of the box thinking are a must, the new product development process is just as equally important.
In fact, if we were to point out a single element that is crucial for a new product development, it would be Managing the NPD process.

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